viernes, 10 de julio de 2009

The Swallows

Where will go fast the fatigued swallows?
They are going to go from here!
Oh! if the sky were lost
They are looking for refuge and they will not find.
Next to my chest, I put their nest, where they can spend the season.
I too am lost in the region, Oh! Holy Sky, And not be able to fly!
Thank you very much for everything Kesia!

viernes, 3 de julio de 2009


We watched the movie "Night at the museum". I will finish to watch the movie at "PeliculasID", because we didn't finish to watch it.
The quality of sound isn't very good, but if it bored me I can see another movie that I like.
Special thanks to Mariano because he had the movie in his memory stick.
Thank you very much teacher, the hamburger was delicious!!
Although today we qualified teacher Ana Maria and I want you to know that you are a very good teacher! There's not better between you two, just very different but both are excellent teachers, Congratulations Kesia!

jueves, 2 de julio de 2009


Last Sunday I went to the movies. The teacher Kesia invited her students to watch a movie because she wanted to see the Transfomers movie.
We had to wait for an hour to see the movie.
I didn't like the story although Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox were good. So many fights between robots confused me, I didn't know Who was the good or the bad.
It was very entertaining.
The best it was to go out with my classmates and the delicious moka frappé.
I hope We come back soon!!

domingo, 21 de junio de 2009

Vacation Past

I went to Zacatecas in the Easter Vacation. I liked the Music Festival events that took place in different venues in the city.
I really enjoyed the concert presented by the cuban guitarrist José Luis Zamora, which included the Piazzola's Tango "La muerte del ángel" and "Chacona" in D minor by Bach.
I don't have any pictures to these vacation, but I found this beautiful picture from "El Cerro de la Bufa" in the Internet.
There are many wonderful places to visit, but I was tired on the first day and I didn't have any time to take a walk.

domingo, 14 de junio de 2009

Vivaldi, Bach & Godard

Antonio Vivaldi was an Italian composer who was noted for his Violin Concert and his Vocal Music, Sacred its majority.
Another composer who was distinguished for his Sacred Music was the german Johann Sebastian Bach, who has a great work, from music for organ and harpsichord through music for viola da gamba, flute and violin, among others.
A century after Bach's death, the composer French Benjamin Godard was born. His music covers from opera, symphonies, chamber music through a hundred songs.

"Trio Fermata" present a concert on Sunday June 21 2009, which will be perform about these three great composers. It'll take place in "Casa de la Cultura de Ciudad Madero" at 5:00 pm. Free entry!